Everyone knows that when you are a business owner you have
to keep fighting. Well that is always easier to say than to do, also when we
say business owner that is just the broad term. Business owner means any
entrepreneur that is trying to work for themselves. For their dreams not for
someone else’s dreams, I want to have that nice house, that nice car, that nice
everything! You know your dream not others, so why should they fight for it if
you are not willing to fight for it yourself?
As they say when the fighting gets
hard the good get fighting. So, what makes this different than your own
business? I will tell you a few key items that you need to keep strong, by
doing this maybe your fight will be a little bit easier on you.
Stay Positive
So, let’s get right into it, everyone knows that to get to
your goal or your dream you must have consistency! The speed that you go means
nothing if you are only doing it part time. This means the turtle will always
beat the hare, because the hare keeps taking breaks. An example of this outside
of a riddle, if you push your business for two weeks straight but then take two
weeks off. You are only getting as far as the person pushing their business part
time every day.

To keep that self-discipline, you need to
remove distractions in your day when you are trying to do your work. You need
to focus on the problem at hand instead of losing focu…SQUIRREL!!!! This is
when entrepreneurs will lose their drive and go back working for other people,
because this is the step that will stop your cash flow. Stop the cash flow and
you stop the dreams, sad how it works but that is the way it happens. So,
remember stay focused, keep your goal in mind at all times, and remove

Your drive gets crushed, you go
into a melancholy state and in that state, you lose yourself. Yourself being
the entrepreneur in this world, yourself being that dream chaser that wants
more for themselves and the people you care about. Block out the negativity,
when it approaches you say to hell with you!! I’m going to achieve my dreams! I
am more than a paper pusher, low on the totem pole, being led by someone that
is half my age!! I want to make people smile by solving their problems, I want
to see my children smile when I can afford to take them on a vacation whenever
I want.
This is staying positive everyone!
Keep that fire lit in your soul, by doing this you will keep that drive and
that spirit to achieve greatness. NETWORK!!!! I cannot say it enough,
networking is key to your business. You do not have commercials, you do not
have marketing campaigns in place. Networking is how we get in front of other
people to let them know that we actually exist. Remember how many people live
in the United States or wherever you live, you are just one person and there
are many people in your industry.

Also, when I say networking some
would call this prospecting depending on the industry you are a part of. So
just had to make that clear, I do not want someone getting lost on the
technicality of a word. The next part is very crucial, and that is
self-development. This is very important to your business, why do I say this you
ask? Because who wants to do business with a stock broker that is selling a
stock that was hot 2 years ago? Who wants to do business with the realtor that
is selling houses on the idea that was hot in the 70’s?
You must stay up to date in any
industry you are a part of, you have to build your mind at all times. This goes
from reading books to watching current events. You need to stay up to date with
everything that comes into effecting your business. Your customers or clients
will test you on your knowledge and do you really want to be the person that
says………..ummmmmmmmm…..I don’t know but hey!!! Great question!! Absolutely not,
you do not want to be that person!
So, take your continued education
courses, read books about your industry, read current events, and above all
stay motivated!!! Self-reliance, I know what some people are thinking and that
is………. well I have a team so I can’t just think about myself when it comes to
business. You are 100% incorrect on that, what is a team if they do not have a
leader? What is a team if they have no guidance? That is like a ship with no
captain at the helm to guide the ship to its destination.
So, think about it like that, you are
the captain and you are guiding the ship. You need to make sure that you have
everything under control that you do and make sure you are on point. If you
keep yourself in check than your team will see this as well. You know who someone
wants to join on a team with?? Successful people! People want to join winning
teams, so if you are not networking, how do they know who you are?
You need to stay innovative with
your business, you want to keep that special part of you. Then make it that
way, do something that has your own personal twist on it, if you love talking
to people then go door knocking, drive a rideshare, go to events and have a
booth. These are just a few ideas of getting in front of people to talk about
your business. You have to innovate new ways that use your strengths to help
your business flourish. Remember in the end you are an entrepreneur, a person
trying to pave their own way in this world. Even if you are on a team you need
to remember that you are trying to increase you and your family’s life so keep
pushing. Never give up, no surrender!! Keep that fire in your soul, enjoy what
you do, follow these tips, and the business will always come!
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