
Sunday, November 12, 2017

I Want To Be Successful!!

So we are joined back together after a much-needed break on my part, I hope everyone is finding their week to be a great one. Today we are going to speak on what is entrepreneurship and how we can succeed at it. Entrepreneurship is the activity of setting up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit. That is
entrepreneurship development 
the hope and dream that we all have, is that our business will be needed as much as we hope and believe it is and that we can make money with it. Entrepreneurial opportunities can range from many different things, from real estate by being a realtor, home inspector, handyman, and many other choices.

To other industries from legal, finance, product supply, or the good old school way of running a brick and mortar store. My favorite part of being an entrepreneur is the history of entrepreneurship. Now if you have listened to our podcast which can be found as What Benefits You podcast and that just so happens to be a up and coming business podcasts as well. I have said on there many times that in the 1930’s 90% of the population in our country were entrepreneurs! With only 10% working for the bigger corporations. When World War 2 came around everyone was either on the frontline fighting or in the factories working.

This changed our country to rely more on the bigger corporations which made them thrive in our time of need. When the war was over our country never made it back to its entrepreneur roots. Our country is now 10% entrepreneurs and 90% working for the bigger corporations. The great thing about being an entrepreneur is that you can do this at any age and no one can say you are too young to make money. Which gave way for the time of the youth entrepreneurship, there are kids that are younger than 18 years old that are making more money than their parents combined!

They do this because they are using their strengths on the computer and internet which bred the web entrepreneur. They are not limited by city or state limits, not even
entrepreneur people 
limited to their own country! This makes our world that much smaller when it comes to business and increases the income you can make by three to four times at the minimum! If the web is not your strong suit that is okay, that is why they make classes for this.

Everything starts with knowing the basics about the internet and putting your company out there, so you can build a brand. Easiest way to put your company out there is……...social media! Social media has given us some pretty successful entrepreneurs, they made it big from the reasons I gave you (no limits on who they can sell to). So, start out small, build a Facebook business page for your business first. Then build your website to build your brand up (hint: Linking your website to your social media pages as in Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit boost your websites SEO Search Engine Optimization and will put you in front of more people) People got to know that you even exist before you plan to take the industry by storm.

This will give you a quick start on how to start your business. Remember that this process takes time and it is a rare occasion when someone makes it big overnight, but if it was easy than everyone would be doing it. This is also a reason why it is easier to start a business in something that you are passionate about. Now let’s look at the part of the entrepreneur definition “taking on financial risks in hope for profit”. This is always the
youth entrepreneurship 
hard part about being an entrepreneur, it is also the part of running your own business that will break your spirits and send you back to a 9 to 5 job. Now before you find this demoralizing, do not worry!!

There are many entrepreneurs that still work a 9 to 5 job while they are starting their own business. This is a very smart idea! Need me to repeat? This is a very smart idea!!! The first three years of a new business is the hardest to make it through and that is ok. Some businesses make it big before the three-year mark and that is cool too. But what people are wanting to see is some security before they feel right about leaving the security blanket of a 9 to 5 behind.

So, this is what you do, work your 9 to 5 and put in some extra hours after your “day job” to put in the grind on your own business. After you have stocked up some cash and you are seeing a frequent cash flow from your business. Then and only then is the time you think about leaving your 9 to 5 to go work full time with your business, this will make you a successful entrepreneur. Do not forget that your business will require to have some money spent on it (Don’t worry it’s a tax write off) to get off the ground. Whether it is on marketing, self-development, product research, or many more selections.

top entrepreneurs You are not a big conglomerate that already has a brand built, you must build yours
and even if you are one of the big guys in the business they still build their branding campaigns. Hints why they love the Super Bowl commercials and spend billions on marketing every year.

These are the types of classes you need to look for and yes, I have taken a few of them myself to build the businesses I have today. Remember why you are here and building your business. Remember that you are a part of an elite few in our country that dreams about bigger and better things. You want more with your life than just the monotonous 9 to 5 grind.

So, congratulations, you have made the first step into a brighter future

Here’s to you and your thriving business!!

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I know I can do it!

  Entrepreneurship is already a hard road not only for most but for all people that try to travel down it. I am not talking abou...