
Sunday, August 20, 2017

Reality, are you ready for it?

Do you know one thing that I feel that people have never prepared their life for, and that is disability. Everybody always thinks that nothing will ever go wrong and you will get to work for the rest of your days doing what you love. I know realtors that enjoy selling houses every day of their life. I know people that work at the shipyards that enjoy welding these massive metal cities together. I know people the fly across the world to work in third world countries.
Image result for car crashNever have any of these people ever thought what would happen to me if I was to become disabled. Picture it like this you are driving your way to work one day, everything seems normal just as it would any day of the week. But the driver next to you got a bad cup of coffee with a crack in it. It's spills on his lap, it startles him, and in this daze of being startled he oversteers, then he overcompensates, steering his car right into yours. As he crashes you right into the median the car behind you crashes into you.
You thought it was a normal day, you were just going to go to the office and do some paperwork. But the only way that you are going now is to the hospital. What will your spouse do? What will your children do? You have no income coming in now and the doctor says you're going to be in a cast for 5 months. Your family was relying on your income, what will they rely on now? How will you get groceries? How will the bills get paid?
As these questions echo in your mind time and time again, the only answer that comes to mind is that you will get through this. Stress increases, arguments increase, money is dwindling down day after day. This is a stress you do not deserve, this is something that you can prevent with a form of planning for the future. Is it that much trouble to consider this form of insurance? Isn't your family worth it? To be honest I would be hesitant as well, if this never happened to me. But to be honest this did happen to me, and this is my story.  
Except I was on a motorcycle and I was put in a wheelchair for 5 months. On my way to work, and never thinking I wouldn't make it. I was on the list to get a promotion at work, with all my hard work I knew this was the company I could retire with.  When this accident happened, my job could only hold my job for 60 days since I was not there over a year yet. So, I lost my job the same way that I lost myself, as the old saying goes do not only prepare for the best but prepare for the worst as well.
This is not a blog to scare you, this is a blog to inform you that reality does exist. Reality comes to us all whether we are prepared for it or not, so it is your choice. From this day forward to know whether you want to be prepared or you want to roll the dice and see if you are a winner. If you are not a winner then what do you lose? Disability insurance is very cheap and can cover you and your family. Disability insurance, life insurance, health insurance, and accident insurance these are all things that ensure you if something happens.
Just like car insurance, you have car insurance on your vehicle but you do not have insurance on yourself? This doesn't make any sense, why would someone do this to themselves. Does this make any sense to you? Any insurance should be called a “what if” insurance, because what if something happens? What if you were prepared? Would your family have the same life that they do today because you were prepared for the worst just as you were for the best? These are things that you should be answering not what if I don't use it.
Image result for family protectedYou don't use your car insurance everyday yet you still pay the premiums. This seems like a good idea to people, yet you second-guess other insurance that is insurance for yourself and not for a hunk of metal. You insure you phone yet you will replace that next year anyways. Rethink your priorities in your life, you should get those sorted out. All the insurances that I listed are cheap, I'm talking a dollar a day cheap. That is worth the investment in my opinion but everyone is different in this world.
Think about what is best for you, think about what is best for your family and then make a decision for what is best. If you are finding out that what is best for you is to look into these types of insurance. Then comment below and we can find a time to talk, remember I am not the one that makes reality happen. I am the one that tells you that it does happen and I will assist you in preparing for it. As I wish I was able to prepare for it before it happened to me.

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